Friday, October 1, 2010


Yay for October! The month of (hopefully) cooling temperatures (we've been in the 80's during the day here in Utah for most of the week), meaning that I can start wearing fall clothes and not sweat to death when I ride my bike to school each morning.

So, I haven't blogged for awhile. It's not because I haven't wanted to, either. I just...haven't had anything to blog about. I'm in school, working, and...well, that's just about all I do. Any of my free time is either spent doing homework or avoiding homework and spending time with my wonderful husband instead. Overall, my life is fairly uneventful. I guess that's what getting married does to you.

I realized last night that as of today, I have been married for two whole months. We've made it so far, I know. When I told Kagan that last night, he couldn't hardly believe it. It's funny how 2 months when you're engaged feels like an eternity, and 2 months when you're married just flies by.

I really don't have much to write about. I'll end with a plug for my other blog. Visit it here! I don't know when the last time you looked at it was, but there's some pretty funny stuff on there. Also some very happy things, as the name of the blog implies. Take a look!

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