Monday, September 28, 2009

A week of happiness and gratitude

I'm always disappointed when I check my friends blogs and they haven't posted lately. Then I realized that I haven't posted in awhile. I doubt anyone really looks forward to the random ramblings of my mind, but why not take the chance that one of you just might?

The problem with posting a blog is that you have to have something to write about. I seem to be lacking a topic, which may or may not be important in this situation.

Last Monday I was talking to a friend about how we could be more positive. We decided that in our planners (which actually match, how precious), every day that week, we would write at least one, if not more, positive or happy or good thing that happened that day, or something we were grateful for. Here's my list.

Monday: Today I rediscovered dancing for fun! Not worrying about who I'm dancing with, or who I'll be dancing with at DanceSport, or majorly stressing about my technique was fantastic!

Tuesday: Today I understood most, if not all, of lecture in Physics! Also, I did all of my homework all by myself, which is a big deal.

Wednesday: Today a guy in my dance class who is fantastically good danced with me, and he told me that I was doing really well. Also, I bought a gigantic bag of candy corn. :)

Thursday: Today I saw Sam's (my roommate) play, and it was fantastic. I have a new found appreciation for "The Taming of the Shrew."

Friday: Today I learned Hebrew and Greek dance styles, and it was tons of fun! Also, I saw "Into the Woods," a play that I've been wanting to see for awhile.

Saturday: Today I sat/stood on the second row at the football game! At the game, people had "Cougar Tails," which are basically gigantic maple bars, and one of my friends was drinking a Fresca. After the game, I went to the store and bought doughnuts and Fresca. What a good choice.

Sunday: Today I took a long needed nap, and I got to cross stitch. Also, I discovered a fantastic song called "Beautifully" by Jay Brannan. (Little did I know when I discovered this last night, that I would be listening to it ALL DAY today, and that I would love every second of it!)

I'm not sure if this made me more positive, but I would like to think that it did. I know that I had to put a valiant effort into remembering what had happened in my day, and that I tried to remember all the good things that had happened. What I wrote down wasn't everything by any means, it just was the highlight of the day. Either way, I know it made me happier to spend my time thinking about how happy I can be.



Stephen Anderson said...

I always look forward to your random ramblings, friend!

But I don't have to go through the disappointing process of checking to see if there's something new and finding nothing because i just use a reader. It's spectacular.

Shawn and Cami and Max and Annie said...

whenever you come to visit bring candy corn